Let the Parental Embarrassment Begin

Scott and I were sitting at the kitchen table this evening, talking for a few moments while the kids were preparing for bed. We are facilitating the Marriage Course this week while our primary facilitators are out of town, and we were discussing this week’s topic…good sex.

Of course Jonah, with his impeccable timing, walked by and made a comment about us whispering. And he had that tone. That I’m-going-to-be-a-teenager-all-too-soon tone he’s been developing lately.

Without a pause, Scott looked directly at Jonah and loudly proclaimed: We’re talking about sex, Jonah. Would you like to come sit at the table with us?

Jonah: No.

Scott: You should be appreciative of us keeping the conversation low.

Me: laughing, with tears beginning to roll down my cheeks: Scott!!!

*Jonah muttering as he puts his nose a little lower in the book he brought with him.*

Scott: in a teasing voice: What’s that Jonah? Thank you?

Jonah: Thank you.

Scott: For being so considerate by whispering?

Jonah: For being considerate.

Our son may just remember that for life. Or maybe we’ll just keep reminding him. Because every child should be embarrassed by their parents at some point.

Disclosure: No children were harmed in the making of this post. All children were happy and content and no longer embarrassed by the time bedtime hugs and kisses were given. Parental embarrassment rules and regulations were considered before publication was finalized.

About Sarah

I love being wife to my sweetie, mama and teacher to my three wonderful children, and friend to people near and far. I love to express myself through words. I blog to connect with others and so that someday, hopefully, my kiddos will understand who their mama was...way back when.
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4 Responses to Let the Parental Embarrassment Begin

  1. Mom says:

    That one gave me a good morning laugh!

  2. Diana Rowe says:

    Too funny, Sarah! I just love those moments!!

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